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Laravel Mails

Monitor Sent Emails

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Monitor Sent Emails

"Laravel Mails can collect everything you might want to track about the mails that has been sent by your Laravel app. Common use cases are provided in this package:

  • Log all sent emails, attachments and events with only specific attributes
  • Works currently for the popular email service provider Postmark
  • Collect feedback about the delivery status from email providers using webhooks
  • Get notified quickly and automatically when email hard/soft bounces or the bouncerate goes too high
  • Prune all logged emails periodically to keep the database nice and slim
  • Resend logged emails to another recipient
  • View all sent emails in the browser using complementary package Filament Mails

We also created a Laravel Filament plugin called Filament Mails to easily view all data collected by this Laravel Mails package!"



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