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Laravel Livewire Comments

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Laravel Livewire Comments

"Commentify is a Laravel Livewire package designed to provide an easy-to-integrate commenting system for any model in your Laravel application.

Powered by Livewire, this package offers a seamless commenting experience that is powered by Tailwind UI, making it easy for users to engage with your content.

With features like comments pagination and YouTube-style like/unlike buttons, this package is perfect for applications that require robust commenting capabilities. Additionally, guest users can like and unlike comments based on their IP addresses.

Mentions can be used with "@" to tag specific users in replies and edits, while Markdown support allows for rich formatting in comments.

Whether you're building a blog, an e-commerce platform, or any other type of web application, Commentify is a powerful tool for enhancing user engagement and collaboration."


Usama Muneer

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