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Admin Panel Builder

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Admin Panel Builder

"Backpack is a collection of Laravel packages that help you build custom administration panels, for anything from presentation websites to complex web applications. You can install them on top of existing Laravel installations or fresh projects."

In a nutshell:

  • UI - Backpack will provide you with a visual interface for the admin panel (the HTML, the CSS, the JS), authentication functionality & global bubble notifications; you can choose from one of the 3 themes we have developed, a third-party theme or create your own theme; the enormous advantage of using a Bootstrap-based HTML theme is that when you need custom pages, you already have the HTML blocks for the UI, you don't have to design them yourself
  • CRUDs - Backpack will also help you build sections where your admins can manipulate entries for Eloquent models; we call them CRUD Panels after the most basic operations: Create, Read, Update & Delete; after understanding Backpack, you'll be able to create a CRUD panel in a few minutes per model

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